Sunday, March 18, 2007

ALANO CLUB..........

I love the Alano Club. It saved my life in eary sobriety. I hung out there alot, cuz I had alot of time on my hands & needed a place to go where there were recovering alcoholics. For a couple of years, I didn't go to any other meetings, I didn't feel safe, & I did at the Club. I got a sponsor & started working my steps, & went to outside meetings with her, & got to know other alcoholics outside of the Club. I had to go thru some trememdous fears in order to go to other meetings, fear of people was big. I just kept going tho, cuz I was outgrowing the Club. I needed to hear more of the solutions, & steps other than 1,2, & 3. I still go to the noon meetings at the Club, there is a good mixture of newcomers, in between, & old timers there, not so much at the evening meetings. I go there to give back. I go there to see old friends too. I found that after a couple of years, actually, more like 3 or 4, I became stuck, & quit growing. I needed to meet new people, & hear something different, & to overcome my fears of going outside of the Club. It became my cave, where I could hide out. Somebody outside might challenge me, & that they did, that is when I started growing, & changing. Not that I didn't at the Club, but I got to a point where I quit growing, it wasn't a challenge for me. I accept the people who are still there, but they are missing out on so much. If they would just get past their fears, or ego, & pride. That's what I discovered. My fears, ego & pride kept me there longer than I needed to be. It's a great place for newcomers, & for oldtimers to give back, & help them venture out. I love it on the outside, but I will always go back to see my old friends, & to give to the newcomer.


At 7:58 PM , Blogger lushgurl said...

Hey Sharon, I like how you have faced your fears and overcome them. It is so important for us to grow and change and sometimes it is by being challenged that we look at ourselves in a different way.
Keep on sharing, you are sounding strong!


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