Friday, March 02, 2007


I know one reason I get depressed is: I read the Yahoo News. There is always something about Iraq, the Sunni's or the Shiite's killing each other off. Revenge, it's all about getting revenge. Is anybody awake over there? They're like robots, repeating, repeating, repeating, kill, kill, kill. It's all so sickening!! We need to get our troops home! They're not going to change anything, I don't care how many there are. Bush is not going to change anything, surely he knows this. It's history, & it's been going on for thousands of years. They're stuck! Every time I read something, or see it on t.v. my stomach just ties into knots! It's sickening! I want so much to stop it, if only I could. It's not just our troops, it's the Iraqi people, those poor people! How much more are they expected to take?!
I'll bet if we went back to the draft, the politicians would think twice before getting us into a war, cause their kids would be in it! For that reason only, we should go back to drafting. What a change of heart there would be. Don't you think?


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