Thursday, March 08, 2007


I see now, how selfish & self centered I was when I drank & drugged. I didn't care about anybody but myself. I was out to destroy myself, but didn't realize I was destroying my family too. I felt sorry for myself, & expected you to feel sorry for me too. I was suffering, & wanted you to suffer with me. Then I came into AA, & walked away several times. It's been some time coming, to become willling, or sometimes willing to become willing, The other things came after the willingness. Open mindedness, learning to reach out for help, becoming teachable. I am no longer consumed with self pity, anger, fear, remorse, & shame. In the process, my attitude has changed, & those things have been lifted. It's a amazing what AA has done for me. I'm not saying I don't go into self pity, I don't get angry or fearful, but the keyword here is, consumed, I'm not consumed by these. It's been a struggle, but it is so worth it. I don't have bad weeks anymore, once in a while I have bad days, & most of the time I have bad hours, or moments. That my friend is progress. I had to overcome me. I had to have a Higher Power, which at first was AA, & still is in part, my Higher Power is AA & more, now. I get around someone who is drinking, & I remember where I came from, & am so grateful I'm not there today, one day at a time. An alcoholic in his cups is pitiful.
My posts have covered my good days, & my bad ones, it's changing to a few more good days, I have more hope, yea! I hope this didn't sound like a lecture, cuz it sure wasn't meant to be, I'm just telling some of my story. If you got something out of this, great!


At 5:41 AM , Blogger ArahMan7 said...

Thank you for sharing, Sharon.

A word of advice: Don't think about pleasing others. Just write whatever you wanna write. A bad day, a good day - anything!

Blogging is suppose to be fun.

I've posted your comments. Come and have a look.

At 7:03 PM , Blogger Lonnie said...

Sharonsjourney, anonymity has been broken and I would prefer not to have your input anymore. Thanks for respecting my wishes.


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