Tuesday, October 09, 2007


I think I told you I'm back on my 4th step, cuz I forgot (yea, right) to do my sex & money inventory. I've been going thru my sex history, & I got sick this morning working on it. I am not the person I was. I hardly recognize her. It's sad what I put myself thru. I know that by doing these inventories it cleans that shit up. But it's painful going thru it. I think men were just as much a sickness for me as the alcohol & drugs. The kind of relationships I got myself in, they were all abusive, & it wasn't all them. I carried alot of baggage into them. It always seemed to bring the worst out in me. So, I'm not about to get into a relationship for awhile, I'm still too sick, & I still have baggage, that little by little I'm getting rid of. I used to blame the men, I no longer do, because of seeing my own stuff, & realizing they were sick too, & had their baggage they brought into the relationship. I hope they are in recovery today. I am so grateful for this program! I'm so gratefufl I'm not in & out of sick relationships today. Nomore, they hurt too much! I truly regret the things I said & did. All I can do now is not repeat them. I'm working too, on forgiving them, & myself, but I s'pose that will come with the work I condinue to do. It sure makes a difference when you put that stuff on paper, & can look at it for what it is, but I'll need my sponsor's help with this, she's wise, & can be more objective. I tend to be awfully hard on myself. I still don't think I'm good enough to have a good man in my life. I hate to say it, but it is all about me, & becoming a more healthy, loving woman. Not for a man, but for me, & my family & friends, to start with. This work I'm doing? These feelings I'm having? It's all worth it to get thru to truth, & love.


At 10:32 AM , Blogger Syd said...

The Fourth Step sex inventory was hard for me also. I didn't realize how I had used sex to feel better. I hurt people and they hurt me. It's in the past though. All we can do is make amends and move on to be a better person.

At 10:48 PM , Blogger Shadow said...

whoa, that's a hard one to do. good luck! but by the sounds of it, you know what you are doing and doing it correctly and for the right reasons.

At 9:31 AM , Blogger Sylvia said...

Found you on Shadows blog. Will visit again. Good luck.

At 12:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yup, the sex stuff was really, really, REALLY tough on the 4th Step -- and even harder on my 5th. But it was very helpful to take a look and see my patterns and my sickness in all of it.

At 5:18 PM , Blogger Pammie said...

Sharon...I think we all feel pretty shocked when we see our stuff on paper. For some reason it seems more "real". I lived so many years in guilt and shame. Pre and post sobriety. But the longer I stay sober, the more it seems like it was some other person living in my body back then. She was an addict trying to survive. I am no longer that person, by putting THIS DAY first, the days have just added up. I wrote the 4th step...digested it....spoke to my sponser about...and then made the decision that I did not want to live that way anymore.

At 4:20 AM , Blogger Guilty Secret said...

Wow I be that was a difficult post. Great, though. It is all worth it. Good for you :)

At 11:30 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

I did a "man" inventory one time. Wrote out a list of all men I had anything romantic with from crushes to one nighters to serious relationships. Listed them chronologically and did a fourth on them all. Excellent excellent excellent for learning a ton about myself. Your doing the work. It WILL pay off.

Hugs and a happy Thursday!


At 12:04 PM , Blogger molly said...

" It's all worth it to get thru to truth, & love." YES it is! Thanks for stopping by my blog today and YES I was "mickied" so went to moderation!!! I'm going to add ya to my list of blogs I like to read so I can remember to come back and check in with ya! Have a great day :)


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