Monday, August 20, 2007


Here are a couple of poems I wrote one nite, I'd gone to bed drunk, & woke up later that nite scared to death, I wrote these poems then. First one:


A silent voice far away was crying
Deep in my depths
Was it a lost soul?
Acheing to be found?
home free to be,
Or is it love on it's way to me
I am here
Hiding on Alamosa street
You must be sly
If I sense you near
I'll flee.

Second one:


You say my name so kindly
It reaches
gentle thoughts
of you
Your light is on, I just looked
your way


At 7:24 AM , Blogger Krista said...

Cool poems, you reminded me of something I wrote a few months ago sitting on a beach in Florida with the sky black as a storm rolled in, ps. I was also drunk. Its amazing how your thoughts just hit the paper when you've been drinking and your emotions are raw.

At 1:14 AM , Blogger Shadow said...

hey! i also used to write poems when i was drunk... some made sense, some definately not! but i like these two!!!!

At 3:00 AM , Blogger Pammie said...

"If I sense you near, I'll flee"
boy do I GET that.

At 8:38 AM , Blogger Shannon said...

i love these, when I first got sober I became a poet- but stopped.


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