Tuesday, October 03, 2006


I have been unable to sit still long enough to blog, or focus on a topic. My A.D.D. has been playing havoc with me. I don't feel bad or anything like that, I've just been real scattered, & future tripping. Like now, I thot of all the things I need to be doing, so I don't have the time to sit still & write, & then there's tomorrow. I have a bunch of things going on tomorrow. So, I am doing this now, that's progress.

I went off my meds for about 2 wks. I started getting more depressed, my A.D.D. has kicked in, & I feel that fear of everything, so that brings on the paranoia, & supiciousness. I started thinking I didn't really need them, well, I found out I do. I especially was convinced of it after I started back on them. What a difference! But you know something else that has helped? I started, at the suggestion of a grand sponsor, a God Box. I haven't had one for a long time. I wrote my fears & put them in the GodBox. The next day a miracle happened concerning something I've been fearful of, my fears are lifted. God's Will, not mine. It works.

The longer I stay sober, the busier my days get, & that's a good thing. I have alot of time on my hands, before I had too much, now it seems there's not enough time to get everything done. My sponsor is going to help me make out a schedule. ADD's need coaches, & as an alcoholic, I need a sponsor, they're actually the same thing. In other words, I need help, from working my steps, coping with life, to making out schedules. If my ADD gets too out of control, or my depression takes over, I need help cleaning house, I have in the past. It's been quite awhile tho. Things are improving, thanks to the unity of the fellowship, the program, & my higher power. Many of my troubles are self inflicted, I'm getting less comfortable with that, hey, that's progress!
You have a good one


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