Thursday, September 14, 2006


I want to say Hi everybody, but nobody comments, so I guess nobody reads these. Ok, fine. As a friend of mine says. It helps me to write, whether anyone reads them, or comments. What I'm writing about tonite is the mixed messages I'm getting. I don't understand. First it's one way, then it's the other. Make up your mind will you? You can't have it both ways dear. I guess that's a good one for me to follow. I don't want to fall in love again, because in the past it's meant losing my freedom, my heart, my soul, in essence, myself. I can't do that again, I won't make it back this time. I almost didn't before, I came so close to either suicide, or losing my sanity, Because I lost me, I almost didn't get me back, & I don't say that lightly. I have a very dear friend, actually a couple of them that know, they helped bring me back. Without them I would be in an institution. I love my friends. So now I've started having some deep feelings for someone, & I don't want to, I don't know what he'll do with them. I guess I don't quite trust him, or me for that matter. But I know we can't have it both ways. And just exactly what do I mean by that little saying I've heard, but not sure what it means? Well, maybe the hell we can. We can have our freedom, & keep ourselves intact. Yea! Depends on who you're with. AHA!


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