Wednesday, November 21, 2007


I don't mean to sound harsh, or against the addict, I am not, I am an alcoholic/addict, among other things, I need help with all these, I don't bring them up in an AA meeting, I get help elsewhere for these other problems, it works for me. I have the utmost respect for the alcoholics that put AA together, & know they were willing,& did go to any lengths, or we wouldn't have this.

I am at my sister's now, & having a good time, I'm on her laptop, which I don't like the setup as well, I'm making all kinds of mistakes. I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving, maybe I will post again while I'm here. I hope I didn't give anyone the wrong idea about where I am coming from, I mean well, & believe in this principle.


At 10:42 PM , Blogger Shadow said...

i heard you loud and clear... aa for alcoholics, na for drug addicts. simple.


At 5:20 AM , Blogger Michael said...

Happy thanksgiving sharron, we dont do it here in the UK though, its just another day, anyway I tagged you 7 things you learned in AA not NA or ANA AA


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