Sunday, August 26, 2007



Just the day before I had become discouraged, I felt like such a failure, & was so frustraated. When I start feeling this way, I start thinking, 'once a failure, always a failure' My mind can be my worst enemy, when it starts going that direction. On & on & on it goesl. Then I start giving up, & before you know it, I've talked myself into quitting. Which is where I was at when I learned about Paradigm Thinking/Shift in Thinking. An alternative solution is offered. Paradigm/Shift in Thinking using faiure as a tool. What?! Embrace failure & frustration becomes your friend. Well, I'm glad to hear I have a really good friend. Being comfortable with failure is good. What??? What??? After asking questions, & getting more input from the speaker, to us an 'alternative route' sheds a whole new light on failure & frustration. Maybe I won't quit, I could shift my thinking instead. Use failure & frustration as a tool to learn by. That's a good start. To me, that kind of goes along with AA. Use our failed past as a tool to learn by, & help others. Since I've been in AA, I've found all kinds of tools inside, & outside of AA that coinsides with our belief, & principles. Guess I'm more open to them. It's where my HP leads learning about myself, & how to live on life's terms. This is very exciting! I want to learn more! I'm a sponge.


At 12:24 AM , Blogger Shadow said...

that was very interesting, thanks. gonna read up on that!

and happy sponging, heee heeee heeee


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