Thursday, January 11, 2007


Today I'm feeling overwhelmed. The weather has been bad, I lost my power for a day, & I used that for an excuse to lay around, & not get things done. Now, everything needs to be done. I did my dishes this morning, am doing my laundry now, that's a start, but there's so much more, like taking my xmas decorations down. I can't even get into my spare bedroom, which is what I use for storage, including my xmas decorations. I have inspection for Hud at the end of the month, so I have to get this done. I really don't have anything to complain about, my life is good, I just painted myself into a corner by my own laziness. I must remember baby steps. First things first. Get caught up on my laundry today, do what I can of the other, just get started. What I can't do today, do tomorrow, & don't worry so much about it, but do it. There's so much I'd like to get done, I think of it as one big job, & let it overwhelm me. So what am I doing now? Writing about it. I'm taking a break. I'll go check on my laundry in a bit, here. Ever do that? I'm sure everyone does. I have a sponsor who doesn't. She's perfect. She's always in motion, & keeps things done. I compare myself to her, & of course I never measure up, after all, I'm imperfect. I have a few qualities she doesn't tho, & they're important ones. In certain areas I'd like to be like her, but in others, I'd rather be like me. So there! Ok, time to get back to work. I just have to keep at it, I'll get it done. Maybe I could use some help. What a concept! But, as so many other things, I try to do it alone. We'll see how it goes.


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