Friday, January 05, 2007


My sponsor had me write three different times I've experience grace. The more I wrote about it, the more times I could come up with times I've had grace, both in my sobriety & when I was drinking/drugging. It was a wonderful assignment, & made me that much more grateful, & aware of a Higher Power in my life. Not just a Higher Power, but love, & forgiveness, ever so gently. Despite my destructiveness to myself, & others. I'm not quite as destructive, I don't want to be, I guess it became a habit, with no awareness of it. First you have to be aware of something, before you can change it. Love is more powerful than any habit. I'm working on becoming more atuned to love, but it starts with me. I always looked outward for love, not inward. It was like, gimme gimme love. I must have been quite a pest. If you give love, it comes back to you, but their are many other reasons for giving love, for one, it feels good. My life has changed with my perspective. I don't always get it right, some days all I can do is not drink, other days more than make up for that. It's a journey, there are peaks & valleys, but they are not so high & low. Progress, not perfection. I love my journey.


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