I got a comment from, & discovered Contraposso's (sp.?) post about me just now. Maybe I shouldn't respond, but I'm going to. I posted about this person & her boyfriend about a year ago, I didn't give any names. I wrote about some things that were really bugging me. Well, I realise now, I shouldn't have put it on my blog, even if it was the truth. What they do is none of my business, & I shouldn't have picked up what is not mine. I own that, & I regret it. Evidently she's getting info that I'm still talking about her & her boyfriend. I haven't even thot about them, let alone say anything. I have learned thru the program we create our own hell. Untill we're ready to be accountable for our actions, we blame others for our misfortune. I don't really need to defend myself, I've done nothing to hurt her, since that post.As for the humility post. I wanted to share something I thot was cool. I didn't say I was there, I don't pretend to be. It is something I aim for. Hopefully if I stay sober, stay in AA, & keep working the steps, I will get there. I hope she does too, & we can put all this behind us.
I'll probably be sorry I responded to this, or maybe I reacted, & that's old behavior. Well, progress, not perfection. Boy! Her comment, & her blog came out of nowhere. That whole thing has been out of my mind for a long time. So, I guess my actions come back to haunt me, wreckage of my past. Damn! Change doesn't come easy, but I have changed, doesn't mean I don't pick the shit back up sometimes, tho. I'll have to talk about this to my sponsor. I'm sorry she feels the way she does, after all this time. I have been cruel, I can still be cruel, but I really don't like going there! It hurts others, & it hurts me, as well! Terribly!
Hi Sharron,
I used to be always in trouble for blogging about people particularily AA people and I guess either no one reads my blog anymore or that they do and I am practising anonyminity now, i dunno which.
Its nice to think we learn from our mistakes isnt it, you know the saying that those that dont do owt wrong dont do owt!
WEll its a lovely drizzly miserable monday and I feel like crap today, I think its just winter blues you know but at least we got a new dog over the weekend to liven us all up at my house.
everyone makes mistakes. and we are allowed to make amends, as you are doing now. it's now up to them to accept it or not. hope it works out and that you can put this in the past, where it belongs. lotsa luv!
Good for you Sharon, keep up the good work, I am proud of you. :)
Why do you leave me comments on my e-mail and block mine? What does that say about you?
Thank you Sharon, a appreciate it. Only lies that were told to me. Sorry =I believed them.
I have gotten rid of my blog so there should be no more issues. But Roy is not my boyfriend and we both know that, (he and I) don't jump to conclusions please. I can't help what people bring up to me, your careful, and I will ignore them too, they like to watch a show to. Bye
Dear Sharon,
When Christ accepted the call from His Father to become a man, He accepted the responsibility to obey the law, the moral law that is summarized in the Ten Commandments.
There's a commandment which reads, 'Honour your father and mother.’ in the original Hebrew, that word "honour," kaboda, that Hebrew word means to glorify, to bestow whatever glory and honour you have upon your father and mother.
Christ fulfilled that law
more perfectly than any human by bestowing His glory upon His heavenly Father and by taking His own divine glory and honouring His Mother with it.
All we do in the ROSARY is to imitate Christ who honours His Mother with His own glory. We honour her with Christ's glory."
Hi Sharon,
SPONSOR: A person who promises to give money to a charity if another person completes a task or activity (Oxford Dictionary).
Most "alcoholics" are RAGE-A-HOLICS & CONTROL FREAKS. One can support another person, which is totally different from Sponsoring (CONTROLLING).
Why don't you explore the history of AA - you will then see how SATAN has used Wilson to delude millions of people like yourself. Wilson was a psychopathic, CONTROL FREAK.
AA doesn't stop you from drinking, GOD does. Your mission in life, Sharon, is to tell others about the SAVING GRACE of our LORD & SAVIOUR, JESUS CHRIST. Do you mention that when you share at a meeting - the only way to SALVATION is through JESUS CHRIST?
AA is a dangerous SATANIC CULT, which will eventually send you insane. You can’t serve two masters, Sharon! AA or JESUS CHRIST? I have had more experience than you (30 years) so I know what I'm talking about.
Satan (AA) will give you the illusion that you are doing well, but (AA) will eventually "devour you," if you don't have the "full armour” of GOD.
Get out now, MSharon! Are you for Christ or against him (AA)? You can’t have it both ways.
Jeremiah 7:24: But they hearken not, nor inclined their ear, but walked in the counsels and in the imagination of their evil heart, and went backward and not forward.
I especially love the way this verse very vividly describes evil imaginations causing people to go backward and not forward. This is exactly what occurs with the use of negative imagination.
Jeremiah 9:13-14: Because they have forsaken my law which I set before them, and have not obeyed my voice, neither walked therein; But have walked after the imagination of their own heart, and after Baalim, which their fathers taught them:
Walking in the imagination of our own heart is referring to our carnal heart, which is our evil heart.
Bill Wilson walked in the “imagination of his own heart” – he was an evil, psychopathic, shape – shifting reptile.
I don’t compromise, Sharon, when it comes to my LOVING SAVIOUR, JESUS Christ, who died on a cross for mankind’s sin.
Contrapposo said...
Thank you Sharon, a appreciate it. Only lies that were told to me. Sorry =I believed them.
Micky Said,
Dear Contrapposo,
How can one communicate with you - you don't have a BLOG or email address? Get real!
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